letting go


letting be

Stephen Levine

Hi, I'm Natalia.

My name is Natalia Bobrowska and I am a body-oriented psychotherapist, breathwork facilitator with almost 10 years’ experience and a yin yoga teacher.

I am a graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

I’ve finished 4 years’ school of somatic psychotherapy (Core Energetics). I am certified practicioner in this therapy modality.

I have experience working with individuals as well as with groups.

I believe that every now and then, in the midst of the turmoil of life, one needs some external resource that can help reconnect with one’s own inner strength. As a therapist I feel privileged to be able to play that role.

Body-oriented psychotherapy helps us reconnect with our authenticity, which is crucial to our ability to consciously express emotions. Authenticity is key. To our inner strength, internal resources, vitality and creativity.

Natalia Bobrowska

if you:

  • are experiencing personal crisis
  • are suffering from depression or anxiety
  • feel that emotions are overwhelming or/and you are find it hard to express them
  • are experiencing grief
  • suffer from low self-esteem, negative thought patterns
  • are dealing with a recurring problem
  • suffer from stress, you feel worried and tense often

if you would like to:

  • have more energy
  • find emotional balance in your life
  • find out how to self-regulate
  • tap into your creativity and vitality
  • be more open and easy with expressing yourself, your emotions and needs
  • build deeper,  more meaningful relationships
  • change unfavorable convictions and beliefs
  • find a sense of security in yourself and in life
  • wake up to your true potential

Body-oriented psychotherapy

Core Energetics is a body-mind therapy originated by psychiatrist John Pierrakos (1921-2001). Before developing Core Energetics, John Pierrakos together with Alexander Lowen co-founded The Bioenergetics Institute in 1955.


Core Energetics, as a body-oriented therapy is a method of psychotherapy that addresses how beliefs and feelings are sustained and reinforced in the body forming habitual tension patterns, mostly unconscious.

Find out more: Core Energetics.


Nowadays when researchers focus is strongly on the connection between body and mind, body-oriented modalities are used in treating psychological trauma, depression, anxiety and more.